Solo Rider Maskurbate
Title: Solo Rider Maskurbate | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Me and my friend Zack Lemec went away for a snowboard weekend. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well the first day and Zack had to go solo. He brought his new portable camera to try it out while I was resting in the cabin we rented. When he got back, I got to play a little bit with his new cam and, since I was with a very horny dude, decided to shoot some footage. As always, we simply couldn't stay serious and this turned out to be a bloopers fiesta. I decided to keep it all and share our craziness with you, as if you were there with us. Featuring Pascal, Zack Lemec. Original release date: April 3rd, 2018. | |||
Category: Maskurbate | Added: 2018-04-14 | ||