Search Results for Craig Decker in Videos

Videos where Craig Decker is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 3.

Bone Island Sc 2 Kristen Bjorn
In a house nearby, stud Arpad Miklos and his boyfriend Craig Decker are going at it naked in an outdoor shower. Cops Max Veneziano and Dirk Holland arrive on the scene. Spotting the lovers in flagrante delicto doesn't incite the officers to arrest them, however. Both cops spring instant erections, which protrude from their uniform pants, as they watch Arpad coax a big....View Video
Crossroads of Desire Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn
Back out on the streets, the cruising never lets up, apparently, as gorgeous Latino hottie Juan Jimenez (aka Antonio Aguilera) lures blond muscleboy Craig Decker into a dark alcove with his bulging crotch. There's absolutely no ignoring that big, fat uncut dick, and Decker soon finds his throat stuffed with it. A passerby, the also amazingly hot Delmo Santeiro, stops ....View Video
Bone Island Scene 2 Kristen Bjorn
In a house nearby, stud Arpad Miklos and his boyfriend Craig Decker are going at it naked in an outdoor shower. Cops Max Veneziano and Dirk Holland arrive on the scene. Spotting the lovers in flagrante delicto doesn't incite the officers to arrest them, however. Both cops spring instant erections, which protrude from their uniform pants, as they watch Arpad coax a big....View Video