Search Results for Desi%20 in Videos

Videos where Desi%20 is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Desi ChaosMen
Desi is of mixed heritage. American-Indian and Latin. He used to be heavier, and has been focusing on his body the last couple years. Like many models, he is interested in personal training, and is working on a full degree in Health and Fitness. Since working on his body so much, he wanted to show it off. On top of that, he has a delicious 8" uncut cock that looks tas....View Video
Desi and Noah ChaosMen
If Desi was nervous on camera the day before, he sure didn't show it this day! He loves head, and he clicked with Noah Wiley on the car ride to the studio. Desi was hard from the start, eager to get his dick stroked and sucked. He is strongest while standing, so that's how we started. It put Noah in a very subservient position, which he enjoys. I couldn't tell who was....View Video