Search Results for Enrique Vega in Videos

Videos where Enrique Vega is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Fuck His Buddy Bel Ami Online
Today's scene is a fairly early one for both boys, with Jon Kael and you can see quite a difference between him then and now and Enrique is in his self-confessed 'chubby' phase (Although we have to admit that his idea of 'chubby' is not exactly the same as ours). We find Jon here in his favored position of being the bottom while Enrique tries to get back into shape by....View Video
Some Rain Must Fall Freshmen
Longfellow was right, Into each life some rain must fall, so why not make the best of it? The cherries shared between Enrique and Derek at the start of this episode show this was a summer scene. It was filmed in a Budapest Apartment by Marty Stevens. Enrique wants to head out to see some of the city but there is an approaching thunderstorm. Inclement weather oddly mak....View Video