Search Results for Gregor in Videos

Videos where Gregor is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Gregor ChaosMen
Gregor is Colombian and is still learning English. He does great in person, but when the cameras rolled, he felt a bit on the spot. He got through my standard interview just fine, and I worried a bit about taking some direction from me during the solo. But he was such a natural for the photos and also the video, I barely had to say anything. He just moved about and pl....View Video
Gregor and Jerome ChaosMen
While I was setting up the cameras and lighting, these two were already making-out. I dashed from camera to camera, then getting the AC turned-off, and they were still going at it. So, I just started running with it. Jerome initially takes the lead, but as in his solo, Gregor just runs the show. Occasionally I could see Jerome moving him about or helping him open-up s....View Video