Search Results for Oscar in Videos

Videos where Oscar is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Oscar ChaosMen
Oscar has piercing blue eyes, and a skill I have not seen in a long while! He arrived at the studio, and while showing him around the place, he mentioned that he could lick and sometimes suck his cock. I asked him if he would do that for his solo. He said sure, but he did want to qualify it by saying he could only lick and suck for a couple seconds. We started doing t....View Video
Luca and Oscar ChaosMen
Oscar showed up a little sad this day. His girl had just broke-up with him, and they were furiously texting each other before the shoot. I was a little worried he would be distracted when it came to do the video. He put the phone up, took a shower, and was ready to play. Even still, he seems very serious in this video. Despite being able to lick his own cock, he was n....View Video