Search Results for Toby Jacobs in Videos

Videos where Toby Jacobs is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 3.

Toby Jacobs ChaosMen
Toby applied to the site, saying perhaps he was too old to do porn. He submitted some very hot Daddy pics. His body is amazing at 46 and with so many passive bottoms that really like mature types, I knew I wanted to get him in. Toby is very easy going, and was super turned-on for his solo. He admitted to always wanting to do porn, but never thought his body was good e....View Video
Toby and Vander ChaosMen
I guess with Vander now in his 30's he can be considered 'mature' and when Toby Jacobs wanted to come in a do a scene, I knew I wanted to do an Edge video with him and Vander. I just couldn't decide who should be in the chair. Toby clearly has some skills, and I knew he could hungrily service Vander's thick cock. But with him being more of a Daddy, and Vander perfectl....View Video
Antonio and Toby ChaosMen
Antonio loves the daddy types, so when Toby hit me up to do a video, I sprung into scheduling action. This is one of those videos that I just let the guys do their thing and chased them around with a camera. Antonio deep-throats Toby's cock, servicing his Daddy. Toby is versatile, but when faced with someone like Antonio, he was in full Bossy Mode. I think the cum sho....View Video