The Dragon Japan Boyz
Title: The Dragon Japan Boyz | ||
Description: Ryu is new to Japan Boyz. He is also new to modeling; 21 and in college, this young man does grab my attention. Gay, Ryu has had boyfriends who are muscular. I love to joke with him as I find him just my type. A solo for today, hopefully he will be back. Playing for the camera, Ryu is such a cutie; his strong defined body does capture your attention. I'd say he's the whole package, and he's still not hard all the way. Playfully smiling, Ryu continues to amuse in his underwear, rubbing and working his hips. Precumming, Ryu adds more lube and definitely grows for us. Using both hands, he ebbs his pelvis before taking a seat. Jerking fast, Ryu stands quickly, he is close. As he body tightens, he moans, it's cumming. Busting, he drops stream after stream onto the mirrored tabletop. Damn, Ryu is not only hung, he has much to offer, just watch as he turns to give us a peek of his ass. Original release date: January 18th, 2017. | ||
Category: Japan Boyz | Added: 2017-07-20 | |