Feed the Pig Bear Films
Title: Feed the Pig Bear Films | Featured Men: | ||
Description: When hunger strikes, it's best to feed the pig before you get hangry because, trust us, people probably wouldn't like you when you're hangry. Take Kosher Pig for example. The bearded cub is jonesing for a little gnosh but there's nothing to eat. He's also not willing to get into his car and drive several miles to the nearest grocery store. And no matter how many times he looks in his fridge, food just isn't going to materialize. The next best alternative would be to call in an order and have some big burly delivery dude bring you something to nibble on. But since that wasn't an option in his area, there's always Brad Kalvo, the hairy daddy every boy and sub wished he had and the daddy every daddy wished he could be. Brad shows Kosher that you can have fun in the kitchen especially if you get creative. All you need is a blindfold imagination and you're in for a treat. Remember it's all in the presentation and the element of surprise. So what are you waiting for? Hungry? Go ahead! Feed the pig. Featuring Brad Kalvo, Kosher Pig. Original release date: March 8th, 2018. | |||
Category: Bear Films | Added: 2018-08-11 | ||