Czech Hunter 398
Title: Czech Hunter 398 | ||
Description: Today I went to Beroun, which is a small town near Prague. I was surprised that the place still had a nice Christmas atmosphere. I liked it there, but I needed company. I would feel lonely being on my own. I was walking around the main square when I met Vitek. He was just sitting on a park bench waiting for his friend. I told him that I was working on a survey, and would pay for his answers. He was really camera shy at first but money calmed him down eventually. He was a student, he moved to the town not far ago. I prayed that he needed money because his face was so adorable. Looking very good and nicely built, he was definitely someone I wanted to spend a few moments alone with. This was a cold evening so he didn't want to show me much. We had to find a more suitable place quickly. Original release date: February 1st, 2019. | ||
Category: Czech Hunter | Added: 2019-02-05 | |