Liam Club Amateur USA
Title: Liam Club Amateur USA | ![]() | |
Description: Today's Liam -- Round Two brings to a close the fearless friends Liam and Freddie whose appearances on Club Amateur USA changed the course of the site in terms of its success. In 2017, Liam turned 35, and is still living in the Valley. As I wrote about him many years ago, Liam's participation in CAUSA videos changed the course of his life in that a couple of years after this last video, Liam emailed me to share that he'd been partnered with another man for about a year and was learning to love and accept himself as a gay man. So, from his first shoot to his second and beyond, an awakening within him occurred. That's pretty awesome, and here's my analysis of this shoot from August 2004: You've got a boatload of irony when you're doing everything within your power to elicit a specific response from someone, and unbeknownst to you, that person has made a conscious decision not to give such a response and is concentrated effort to not do so. Thus, my Round Two shoot with Liam. At the end of the shoot, I commented to Liam that I thought he was more nervous this time than he was his first time. That's when he told me that he was concentrating to not be as loud. Well, phuq. And there I was having spent the previous 45 minutes trying to get him to moan and groan and gasp and thrash and do all of those things that made his A Rug and a Tug shoot so phenomenal. Sassafrassin'. So, I emailed Liam to find out why he chose to be less vocal and was concentrating to be so. Here's what he had to say back to me: Hey, No my reason for not being as vocal this time was not that intentional. I was concentrating on the experience more than anything, it was something so new to me i did not really know how to react. In the first shoot i kind of knew what to expect a little massage and then a jack off session, with the round two i had a guy giving me head plus licking my asshole so it was really different especially every time i felt the goatee that would really send you on a loop. Then of course i had to concentrate on not blowing my load too early cause i had not jacked off in so long and i was eager to let it go. I think that should sum it all up if not let me know and i will fill in the blanks. Original release date: June 26th, 2017. | ||
Category: Club Amateur USA | Added: 2019-04-30 | |