The Stories Lucas Entertainment
Title: The Stories Lucas Entertainment | Featured Men: | ||
Description: The high-level executive from South America, Rafael Alencar, is powerful in the business world, and he uses that power over all of the beautiful young men who are working long and hard to make their way in the world. While conducting business in the United States, he has a late-night meeting at his Manhattan apartment with three beautiful young men trying to build a career in his white-collar empire. Drew Dixon, Jake Morgan, and Max Adonis all have heard the stories of Rafael, and they're fully prepared to strip off their clothes and take their sexuality to the extreme, including rough and double-penetration! Featuring Drew Dixon, Jake Morgan, Max Adonis, Rafael Alencar. From the film: Gentlemen 26: Long, Hard Hours. Original release date: July 19th, 2019. | |||
Category: Lucas Entertainment | Added: 2021-08-19 | ||