Double Whammy Falcon Studios
Title: Double Whammy Falcon Studios | Featured Men: | ||
Description: The Housepainter: Hunky stud muclejock Roger as a housepainter in a 3-way. Bigger Than Life: A young artist seduces his willing model, Roger. Double Whammy: Black stud Big Ben lures a cleancut collegiate hunk back to his pad with promises of a big score. Mr. Egan gets His Paperboy: Jack Egan's newsboy arrives in a rainstorm soaked to the skin and Mr. Egan resolves to warm him up. Featuring Roger, Tommy, Joe Andrews, Peter, Big Ben, Tom Manley, Jack Egan, Billy Putnam. From the Falcon Studios film: Double Whammy. | |||
Category: Falcon Studios | Added: 2021-08-19 | ||