The Rivermen AEBN
Title: The Rivermen AEBN | ||
Description: The Rivermen tells the story of two men who arrive in a small picturesque river town (population 725) in search of a man named Rick. Rick is the younger brother of one of the two men and lover of the other. The movie has fist fights, a boat chase, a lot of sex in the great outdoors, big cut and uncut dicks, and a possible murder all tied together with one shimmering sex scene after another, featuring plenty of close-ups of erupting cocks. Produced by: Bijou Classics. Featuring Al Peck, Duke Benson, Jake Dillon, John Neal, Leroy Jennings, Rick Weston, Roger Alan, Steve Weld, Mark Aaron, Bert Edwards. | ||
Category: AEBN | Added: 2022-04-07 | |