Tale of Two Yus Japan Boyz
Title: Tale of Two Yus Japan Boyz | ||
Description: Here's a passionate story of two sex-driven Asian studs, both named Yu. Yusaku is an edgy stud known for pushing things to the limit. Yu Yuki is a new guy around Japan Boyz who loves dick and prefers a tight connection with his partner. Tonight Yusaku tones his wild boy edge and gives his buddy a passionate connection, but one that Yu won't soon forget. After the kissing, crotch rubbing and nipple licks, Yu gets so turned on by Yusaku's take-charge attitude that he becomes more and more vocal, groaning and yowling with deep satisfaction. Bowing to Yu's preference, after lubing and stretching Yu's beautiful ass Yusaku rolls on a rubber as he eases his big cock inside. Yu pulls him closer and lets out a growl of approval. This is just the cock he's been thirsty for. He grinds his hungry hole down onto Yusaku's oversized tool, then lies back and lets Yusaku fill his booty any way he'd like. Yusaku plays loverboy very well, keeping that connection and eye to eye contact as things heat up to a boil. With Yu's muscular legs wrapped around his waist, Yusaku has to pull out, whipping off the condom and drenching Yu in a creamy splatter. He reaches down to beat his buddy off and Yu rewards him with a hefty squirt. Original release date: November 30th, 2021. | ||
Category: Japan Boyz | Added: 2022-09-01 | |