Mathias Cubst and Davey Bear Preview Bear Films
Title: Mathias Cubst and Davey Bear Preview Bear Films | ||
Description: The Bear Films crew recently returned to the original City of Saints and Sins -- Old Montreal -- to capture the unrestrained lust and musky sex lurking in the corner of every alley, bath house and strip club of the world famous Gay Village. The bears frolic innocently enough, like a lunch date that ends up in a nice cum drenched mess. Mathias and Davie meet on the street and after some kissing, take the action upstairs to Mathias' amazing loft. Starting in the shower then the bed, Mathias pounds away till he creams with Davie not far behind. Video Title: Mathias Cubst and Davey Bear | ||
Category: Bear Films | Added: 2023-12-21 | |