Siesta Bear Films
Title: Siesta Bear Films | Featured Men: | ||
Description: It's mid-afternoon in Spain, and while everyone else takes a siesta, Alfer Cuero and Ale Tedesco decide to fuck. But first, the hairy, horny Daddies make out. Alfer and Ale have little inhibitions as they move from kissing and, literally, swapping spit, to sucking cock. Each takes his turn at showing off some mad oral skills, but only one of these men is going to fuck the other. Tattooed silver Daddy Alfer rims and fingers Ale, priming him before sliding home and fucking his buddy . Bearded bottom Ale gets fucked and even spit upon as Alfer pounds away in a scene that is at once intimate, yet primal. Original title: Alfer Cuero and Ale Tedesco - Siesta. Original release date: October 3rd, 2019. | |||
Category: Bear Films | Added: 2024-04-12 | ||