Fuck Joel Corbin Fisher

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Title: Fuck Joel Corbin Fisher
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Description: Trevor was one of those young studs always destined for greatness -- tall, handsome, extremely charismatic, driven, and smart, he'd win over everyone he met in an instant and that was certainly the case when he arrived at CF. Joel would also make an impression on you the instant you met him -- outgoing, a complete charmer, and sexy as all heck, Joel not only held his own among all the straight studs he spent his time at CF with but taught them many a trick and and left everyone he shared a scene with in awe of just how great he was in bed. We're thrilled to feature both of these young studs in our latest remaster, as it really is a must we enjoy this blazing hot episode as it was meant to be seen -- in full HD, with the improved lighting and audio today's technology allows for this footage. And there's more of that footage too, with additional minutes of action and footage! Joel is one horny young guy! I about died laughing when a member of the site -- you know who you are! -- e-mailed me to say, "Do you realize that in Joel's 'Unscripted' video, he said the word 'fuck' 87 times? That worked out to one f-bomb every 8 seconds!" That's a pretty impressive statistic! What can we say? Joel's horny, likes to show off, and likes to be a bit dirty on camera... and I have no problems with that! Joel has a ton of sexual energy and we saw that energy in action not just in his swear-heavy Unscripted vid, but also in his initial solo as well as his scorching hot duo with Derek. We see that sexual energy again, here, with Joel taking on one of the biggest cocks in the CF stable -- Trevor's! Full title: Trevor Fucks Joel. Featuring Trevor, Joel.
Category: Corbin Fisher
Added: 2025-03-18

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