Spiro ChaosMen
Title: Spiro ChaosMen | Featured Men: | ||
Description: I am always on the lookout for hot 'daddy' type guys. Spiro is almost 33, and has a touch of grey in his hair. He is in amazing shape, and has that mature daddy look many should find appealing. He has a thick country accent, with a slow southern drawl. He seems pretty unsure about doing this whole porn thing, but is interested in exploring more. He says he has not ever done anything with a dude before, and I tend to believe him. Spiro has a quiet demeanor, but is a little bossy in bed. I am hoping he will come back and embrace his daddy look, and maybe take on some of the young whipper-snappers in a bossy way. Next week he does a Serviced video and you can see a hint of him taking charge, but for now, he is new to all this and is working his way through his limits. Featuring Spiro. Original release date: May 27th, 2013. | |||
Category: ChaosMen | Added: 2017-09-19 | ||