Shane and Jeffrey Twinks in Shorts
Title: Shane and Jeffrey Twinks in Shorts | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Shane Hirch and Jeffrey Lloyd have worked together before. In fact, hunky Shane gave Jeffrey a massage in his office before proceeding to fuck Jeffrey's hungry ass. This time, the bearded, recipient -- no longer a smooth twink but a hairy hunk himself -- is outdoors, anxious to get Shane's hands all over him. After a moment of quickly catching up, Shane gets thick-hung Jeffrey on his back. Then, with his hands slippery with oil, Shane gets to work. But it's not your everyday massage, as you may have figured by now. This is slow, sensual, teasing every inch of Jeffrey's flesh and getting him hard for an outdoor massage full of heated rubbing, jerking off, ass play and some good dick sucking that leaves them both with their balls drained of cum...for now! Featuring Shane Hirch, Jeffrey Lloyd. Original release date: October 23rd, 2017. | |||
Category: Twinks in Shorts | Added: 2018-08-10 | ||