Brayden Sean Cody
Title: Brayden Sean Cody | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Blue-eyed Brayden is a 28-year-old fitness enthusiast and he's ready to let loose and have a little fun! He's been working out since the age of 16 and he strives to keep his body well-toned, muscular, and lean. He likes his men as fit as him and loves a man with big muscles. The top three things I find sexiest about a man are: muscles, smile, and cock, says the hairy chested hunk. I would say the best cocks definitely have to be a hard and rigid cock with a little bit of curvature to hit that prostate! I love riding, I love making out, I love sucking dick, and I love foreplay! Featuring Brayden. Original release date: August 20th, 2018. | |||
Category: Sean Cody | Added: 2023-07-15 | ||