Jae Sean Cody
Title: Jae Sean Cody | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Brown-skinned, soft-spoken Jae is a 25-year-old professed pansexual. The sun-kissed hunk doesn't judge based on gender, but rather by how attractive a person is to him. I'd say the community that I'm in has all kinds of binary thoughts and gender identities, says muscular Jae. My first time with a guy was just oral. He went down on me and I went down on him. When I'm with men, I'd like to say that I typically would like to bottom, but if they are sort of a thin fem or non-binary then I'd probably like to top. He adds, bottoming was intense the first time cause the dick was big! I have a lot of experience now so it's a lot of fun. Featuring Jae. Original release date: September 17th, 2018. | |||
Category: Sean Cody | Added: 2023-07-15 | ||