Cesar and Felix Touch That Boy
Title: Cesar and Felix Touch That Boy | Featured Men: | ||
Description: It was my first time getting a massage from Cesar, my stepbrother, for fear was that he would find out how much he turned me. He's gay, and I was only recently wondering about my sexuality, which only made me want his hands on me more. I was already touching myself before he arrived. Then his hands started moving around my shoulders and legs. Breathing in deeply was relaxing my entire body, but I could feel his cock on my back, and it was turning me on. That's when Cesar pinched my nipple as he massaged my back, and I couldn't help but grab my dick. This must have been his plan all along. Soon, my dick was in his hand and then in his mouth. I finally got to suck his cock before shooting my load. Featuring Cesar Rose, Felix Bonnet. Original title: Cesar Rose and Felix Bonnet. Original release date: June 1st, 2023. | |||
Category: Touch That Boy | Added: 2024-04-12 | ||