In the Bear Den Pride Studios
Title: In the Bear Den Pride Studios | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Jacks are wild in this bear on bear free for all, as daddy Jack Dyer makes his way back to the Bear Den. Waiting for him is fellow hunk Jax Hammer, who has plenty of growl in his game. And though they might both downplay their official status, it's clear from the action that this is some serious bear on bear action, as Jack has his way with Jax's furry hole, fucking him all over the den and making him shoot his load before coating him with his own batch. You won't want to miss a moment of this fuzzy fuckfest. Featuring Jack Dyer, Jax Hammer. Original release date: April 1st, 2020. | |||
Category: Pride Studios | Added: 2020-09-02 | ||