Young Buddy Lucas Entertainment
Title: Young Buddy Lucas Entertainment | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Max Arion's young buddy, Randy Junior, is visiting him while on vacation in sunny Spain. Randy is always excited to see Max, because not only does he enjoy his company (Max is a smart, well-read guy) but they always wind up having sex, and Randy loves pushing himself to the limit by taking Max's enormous 10-inch uncut cock up his ass! One morning before breakfast, Max lets Randy know he's ready to fuck him, and it starts out with some foot worship before Randy Junior does what he can to open up his mouth to suck on Max Arion's huge piece of meat. When Max is ready, Randy sits down on and rides his top's throbbing hard-on! Featuring Max Arion, Randy Junior. From the film: Man Whores. Original release date: November 1st, 2019. | |||
Category: Lucas Entertainment | Added: 2021-08-19 | ||