Jack and Dexter Sean Cody
Title: Jack and Dexter Sean Cody | Featured Men: | ||
Description: Muscular cutie Dexter finally returns, and he's excited to get it on with chiseled hunk, Jack. I had to make a trip out here, for these right here, says Dexter, while rubbing on Jack's abs. You're in for a treat! You have no idea what's coming. I'm going to have fun with this ass! responds Jack, as he grabs Dexter's small booty. Yeah, I'll make you have fun with it, says a confident Dexter. I cannot wait to get in there, says Jack. Dexter teases his big cock with a quick tongue swipe, and now Jack is really ready to go. Featuring Jack, Dexter. Original release date: September 29th, 2018. | |||
Category: Sean Cody | Added: 2023-07-15 | ||