Search Results for Cooper Adams in Videos

Videos where Cooper Adams is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Cooper Adams Next Door Male
He's a hard-working guy who knows exactly how to unwind. When he gets home from the office, after a long day of meetings, conference calls, and high-pressure deals, Cooper Adams like to relax and enjoy the solitude of his luxurious beachfront home. He cracks open a beer, loosens his collar, and walks next to the tall windows that allow him to look out over the ocean. ....View Video
Sloan ChaosMen
Sloan is a country boy, as evidenced by his thick Southern drawl. His body is lean and long, just like his cock. He is kind of a dude of few words. Kind of shy to start with, but he has a naughty side, and he really liked showing off for the camera. He wasn't down for doing a Serviced video on his first visit, but I know he said he had fun, and wants to come back to d....View Video