Search Results for Johnson in Videos

Videos where Johnson is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Johnson ChaosMen
I had a bit of drive to go pick Johnson up in order to do this solo. So, we had a nice long drive to the studio and I got to know him better than most models. He is a very likable guy, intelligent, and even a little 'worldly', as he has spent many months traveling around Eastern Europe. He had two favorite locations that he was impressed with, and the descriptions he ....View Video
Johnson and Timmy ChaosMen
It took Johnson some time to decide to come back and do an oral video. Upon seeing the massage table, he thought that might be a natural turn-on for him. Timmy has gotten very good at these videos, and he knows how to poke and prod Johnson till he is fully hard. Based on this video, it seemed like Johnson enjoyed having his ass played with. He even got a little close ....View Video