Search Results for Gabriel in Videos

Videos where Gabriel is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 4.

Gabriel SpunkWorthy
Gabriel was a wrestler growing up. And a football player. Baseball, track. you name it and he's done it. Football was my favorite, he explained, but I was better at wrestling. These days, now 23 y/o, he's even gotten into coaching. But decided that a little extra money wouldn't hurt, so he started looking around at other ways to make some cash. When we first caught up....View Video
Gabriel Massage SpunkWorthy
Gabriel was a tough nut to crack. After his solo shoot, he'd gotten the slow-ball pitch about coming back for a massage shoot, but at the time turned it down outright. We texted a couple times and, even with a little extra cash incentive, he wasn't interested. Much to my surprise, a few weeks later he emailed to say that he was down to give it a shot. This would be a ....View Video
Blowing Gabriel SpunkWorthy
I'm not sure if it was the money that enticed Gabriel to come back and get his first BJ from a guy or, after experiencing his happy-ending massage, he was curious about taking the next step in exploring his sexuality. Either way, after hitting him up about the shoot it took him all of 12 hours to say he'd be down for it. If you've watched his other videos, you've sure....View Video
Blowing Gabriel AEBN
I'm not sure if it was the money that enticed Gabriel to come back and get his first BJ from a guy or, after experiencing his happy-ending massage, he was curious about taking the next step in exploring his sexuality. Either way, after hitting him up about the shoot it took him all of 12 hours to say he'd be down for it. If you've watched his other videos, you've sure....View Video