Search Results for Terry in Videos

Videos where Terry is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Terry ChaosMen
Terry is a fashion and art photography model. He met JJ Smitts on a shoot and the two of them hit-it-off. So much so, that even though they are in different cities, they try to hook-up whenever they can. JJ indicated that Terry would be down to do a scene with him, so we got him all setup and he came in to do his solo and I made sure JJ was on hand so they could also ....View Video
JJ and Terry ChaosMen
I mentioned that JJ Smitts referred Terry to me. The two have been hooking-up every now and then since they did a photoshoot together. JJ loves fuckin him, and I think he wanted to capture that on film. Terry was nervous despite having a bed partner he already knew how to dance with. But, JJ takes control, and with Terry's passive vibe, it is a very nice fit. Despite ....View Video