Search Results for Rafael Ferreira in Videos

Videos where Rafael Ferreira is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Horny Boys Men at Play
More work often leads to more stress and a lower quality of life. That is why Rafael Ferreira spends extra time in the shower every morning before heading to the office. But, while Rafael resorts to long showers, his friend Pol Prince prefers to fuck and find release. Rafael receives a text from Pol that he's making a drop by before going to work for a quick play sess....View Video
Portugal Naked Sword
Prepare for takeoff! During the next stop on Naked Sword Originals' international adventure around the world, the acclaimed studio and award-winning filmmaker Marc MacNamara are setting their sights on Lisbon for 'Global Entry: Portugal'. Packed with exclusive interviews that reveal everything there is to know about the men, sex work, and gay life in Portugal, this la....View Video