Search Results for Gala Galaxi in Videos

Videos where Gala Galaxi is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

No Fail Men at Play
When Real Estate mogul Mateo Tomas hired Gala Galaxi to ensure his latest project went smoothly, he made it clear that failure was not an option! However, in today's meeting, Gala has some bad news -- delays will be unavoidable unless Mateo puts in more money. Mateo is very upset and disappointed and blames his new hire for this latest setback. Instead of firing Gala,....View Video
Off the Chain The Bro Network
Gala Galaxi's road bike is in bad shape after using it all winter, and he's on a spring ride with handy stud Rocky Vallarta when his bike predictably breaks down. That's bound to happen after being ridden hard and put away wet one too many times! Luckily, Rocky has an amateur bike shop set up in a rental space nearby and offers to take a look. Rocky has been helping o....View Video