Search Results for Kris Jamieson in Videos

Videos where Kris Jamieson is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 3.

Levi Modesto from College Dudes
Levi Modesto (aka Kris Jamieson) just turned 18, but he is coming strong out of the starting gate! Levi is a confident, almost cocky, young man, and he has absolutely no qualms about showing off his dick to whomever wants to see it.View Video
Levi Modesto College Dudes
Levi Modesto just turned 18, but he is coming strong out of the starting gate! Levi is a confident, almost cocky, young man, and he has absolutely no qualms about showing off his dick to whomever wants to see it. Featuring Levi Modesto (aka Kris Jamieson).View Video
Horny Everyday Gay Wire
Yo, we found this guy walking down Biscayne. This kid was suspect as fuck. I had to stop him and ask him a few questions. I asked him if he was horny. He said "everyday of his life." That's when I set him up. I told him that I would like to get him a blow job. He looked very interested then I told him that my boy wanted to be the one sucking his dick. Hook Line and Si....View Video