Search Results for Fermin Ortega in Videos

Videos where Fermin Ortega is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Hot Times in Little Havana Sc 3 Kristen Bjorn
Julio inquires at Jorge's last known address, a palatial home with a patio, and the resident refers him elsewhere. Fermin Ortega exposes himself in an attempt to get Julio to stay and play, but Julio moves on. Instead, luscious pretty-boy Arpad Banfalvi moves onto the balcony, and he fills both of Fermin's holes. While they're still fucking, Pietro Rosselli, Jean Le B....View Video
Hot Times in Little Havana Scene 3 Kristen Bjorn
Julio inquires at Jorge's last known address, a palatial home with a patio, and the resident refers him elsewhere. Fermin Ortega exposes himself in an attempt to get Julio to stay and play, but Julio moves on. Instead, luscious pretty-boy Arpad Banfalvi moves onto the balcony, and he fills both of Fermin's holes. While they're still fucking, Pietro Rosselli, Jean Le B....View Video