Search Results for Chris Kohler in Videos

Videos where Chris Kohler is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 4.

Chris Kohler Gay Hoopla
Chris is truly a catch. I recently took him to get his haircut where the barber was damn near drooling all over him. Only 19 years old, this timeless beauty still hasn't realized his own good looks. With a huge muscle hairy butt and pecs that bounce to his swinging arm. His smile, that lights up a room, and the willing to please any of those around him. Quite the give....View Video
Chris Kohler Part 2 Gay Hoopla
On our first shoot with Chris Kohler, we took a TON of footage! So much, that it spilled into this second bonus update video. Get an extra helping of Chris right now. Can't wait to see what else we can get him to do in the future.View Video
Chris Kohler Returns Gay Hoopla
Our most popular model ever, Chris Kohler, is back with a new doo.View Video
Jerk at Work Gay Hoopla
Description not available. Featuring Chris Kohler. Original release date: December 5th, 2016.View Video