Search Results for Ruslan Tarovsky in Videos

Videos where Ruslan Tarovsky is featured in the scene.  —  Total Matches: 2.

Frisbee 2 Scene 2 Ayor Studios
It's the end of the summer. The campers are all gone, the beaches almost deserted. A bunch of horny guys are roaming around the Czech countryside, looking for sex and adventure along the way. Five backpackers, a pair of mountain bikers, two lonely swimmers, the cutest farmboy: that's all it takes for the lust to explode under the sun. Like a game of frisbee by the lak....View Video
Vorobev with Lafek and Garba Badpuppy
Badpuppy Remastered Original from William Higgins with Artur Lafek, Erik Garba, and Dmitry Vorobev: To date, one of our most popular and watched Higgins' videos. Featuring Artur Lafek, Erik Garba, Dmitry Vorobev (aka Ruslan Tarovsky). Original release date: March 29th, 2024.View Video