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Damien Nichols Active Duty

Damien Nichols Active Duty

Hey Troops,Today we have a very sexy young man who is only 21 but stands a very tall 6 foot 2 and weighing in at 185lbs of sexy lean muscle. Damien likes to hang out at the gym working on his sexy body and he loves to go hiking on any new trails that he can find. He's an avid outdoorsman and you won't catch him being lazy sitting on his couch playing video games but you can catch him here with us stroking his nut out for you. Damien may seem like the shy type but his cock doesn't shy away from the camera as it grows to a very sexy length that any vet would love to deep-throat. His quiet demeanor and slight moans while tugging away on his cock will make your dick twitch.He is one tall man as Claude gets a great view from underneath showing us just how tall he is while seeing his big dick being stroked. His massive long and very sexy legs are a beauty to look at. He has some golden fur that will drive you crazy as he builds his nut up.His big dick looks really tasty as he strokes every last inch of it up and down. He glances at the camera only a few times but his innocent look with that dick in his hands is what will get you off. I really hope he comes back and wraps those sexy legs around a horny vet of ours.We are going to have to put his cum shot in the books for the most amazing blast of nut we have ever seen here at AD. Damien builds his balls up until he explodes out of his dick with long shoots of cum one after the other all over himself. He drenches his whole chest in cum and even amazes himself at the load he just released. Featuring Damien Nichols. Original release date: July 5th, 2017.
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