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Tom Manhandled English Lads

Tom Manhandled English Lads

Tom Lawson is proving to be a bit of a hit and its understandable why - he's tall, stunningly good looking, charming and got the most amazing body. He's back today to get another man's hands on him. but first he shows us that great physique - lean but very muscular, his body is hairy and very masculine. His upper body and legs are all very well developed, and his furry chest, facial stubble and blond hair all add to his attraction. He lays on the bed in his bulging boxers for a massage, his bum gets massaged and when he turns over his monster cock is already hard - thick and uncut - do guys get better than this? We get to slowly wank him, teasing and edging him closer to orgasm. He films some of it and shows off his bum, but the star attraction is his uncut cock - solid throughout. We bring him to orgasm, he shoots and shoots some more - a massive thick cum load runs off his chest and abs! Featuring Tom Lawson. Original release date: January 19th, 2018.
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