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Casias Dildo English Lads

Casias Dildo English Lads

Casias is a young lad, with a lean athletic body, he is tall, very handsome with dark hair, easy smile, and well defined body with a few tattoos. He is extremely fit. Taking the step to use a dildo on camera was a little unnerving for him but he settled into it fine, and really enjoyed it. He stripped off with confidence showing his large uncut cock, which quickly got hard. After lubing up his hole, he pushes the dildo in, and wanks at the same time, and once he's relaxed he is pumping the dildo hard and his cock is rock solid! And if to prove he is enjoying it, when he cums its a massive cumshot -- shooting right over his shoulder! Featuring Casias Bradley. Original release date: June 2nd, 2017.
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