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Takedown Cocksure Men

Takedown Cocksure Men

Bo Dean and John Magnum are working out in the gym. Their sweaty bodies glisten; their muscles bulge, and their cocks are raging hard while watching each other. We know exactly what's on their minds so we drift off with the guys to find them on a wrestling mat, playfully throwing each other around. They roll around, kiss, and enjoy the feeling of each others massive, muscular physiques pressed firmly against one another. All of the tumbling has the studs ready to fuck. Bo slams John's ass as hard as he can, practically driving him through the floor. It's amazing John can stand such a ruthless pounding. Not only is he enjoying it, but he taunts Bo for more. Bo never backs down and continues to give it to John hard and fast until John blows his load. With Bo Dean now towering above him, John opens wide for a hot facial from our star top. We're then whisked back from fantasy-land to find Bo and John Magnumback at the gym, still staring each other down, still sporting raging wood. Featuring Bo Dean, John Magnum.
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