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First Man Suck English Lads

First Man Suck English Lads

The young, straight, and very ripped Harry Wills returns this week for his first-ever blow job by another man! And it is the toned, young, cheeky lad Henry Kane who is taking Harry on this journey today! Both lads get along and have fantastic chemistry, complementing each other's muscular bodies! They strip each other and wank the other's uncut cock to a rock-solid erection before Henry feels naughty enough to suck Harry's nice piece of meat! Harry seems to enjoy it, judging by the stiffness of his cock! The lads take it in turns to shoot big loads of cum! Harry squirts his high in the air and Henry unloads after. Featuring Henry Kane, Harry Wills. Original release date: September 20th, 2020.
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