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His Adventure English Lads

His Adventure English Lads

Straight and muscular, Reuben Clark, returns this week and continues his adventure as he agrees to his first-ever manhandling! Reuben is looking more built and muscular than ever as he continues to hit the gym and workout since leaving the army. Reuben has no issue with being naked and seems to enjoy it and happily bends over into doggy position to get spanked and lubed up as I rub his tight, hairy, hole and spank his muscular ass with the leather paddle! I wank Reuben's huge, thick uncut cock and massage his incredible body until he gets close and then power wanks himself to a huge explosion with cum flying everywhere and hitting his face! Great shoot Reuben, shall we get another model involved next!? Featuring Reuben Clark. Original release date: November 29th, 2020.
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