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Carter 1st Man Wank English Lads

Carter 1st Man Wank English Lads

Straight lad Carter Jones is back and stepping it up a level as he experiences his first ever manhandling! Carter was initially cautious about another man playing with his cock but boy are we glad he came around to the idea. Carter has a lovely big uncut cock that gets hard naturally during the massage. His smooth, lean body is looking fantastic and he doesn't have an ounce of fat on him! Carter is very relaxed throughout the shoot and happily shows off his smooth pert bum in doggy-style before I power wank him to climax -- and wow! What a cum shot. Carter cums, cums and cums some more! Great work Carter, we're already looking forward to what you do next. Featuring Carter Jones. Original release date: March 20th, 2019.
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