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Squirt Squirt Squirt English Lads

Squirt Squirt Squirt English Lads

After a year since we last saw him, the blue-eyed, blond-haired, tall and extremely handsome pup Archie Palmer is back in front of my camera. Footballer Archie trains every week so he is naturally athletic and flexible. He limbers up and shows us just how flexible he is, even managing to pull his leg over his head, and again whilst naked! Archie starts off lovely and soft, slowly massaging his uncut cock to a rock hard erection! Archie puts on a great bum show and we see his lightly fuzzy hole in loads of positions as he wanks his rock hard cock! Mid-shoot, Archie puts on his football kit and plays with his himself through his shorts. Archie then unloads all his jizz and squirts, squirts, and squirts! We can't wait to have you back Archie, possibly a massage next!? Featuring Archie Palmer. Original release date: May 5th, 2019.
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