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Rocky Rails Jack Corbin Fisher

Rocky Rails Jack Corbin Fisher

Get ready for an actual torrent of cum -- a veritable flood of it, even. Jack sucks and swallows Rocky's cock like he's been starving for it. Rocky fucks Jack's face, giving Jack a taste of what his hole's in for a little later. Rocky eats Jack's ass to get it ready for the onslaught that's to come. Then Rocky spreads Jack's cheeks and drives his dick home, claiming Jack as his own. And yeah, Rocky fucks Jack every which way from this point forward. If Jack's eyes are not fixed on Rocky's handsome face from this point forward as Jack looks completely smitten by Rocky, it's only because Rocky's hard thrusts are making Jack's eyes roll back into his head. If you know anything about these two, though, you know we're all in for an impressive finish as these two guys are a couple of the biggest cummers you'll ever lay eyes on, in terms of force and volume! And when both of these guys have fucked their way through such intense sex they fire their massive loads off one immediately after the other, the visuals are as hot as you'd imagine they'd be -- hell, they're way hotter, even! Full title: Rocky Rails Jack After Hours. Featuring Rocky, Jack (aka Adam Awbride).
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