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Lucas Fucks Elijah Corbin Fisher

Lucas Fucks Elijah Corbin Fisher

It's time for another hot, bonus remaster! We're having a blast remastering old classics, and adding them on as a bonus feature. Along with the multiple all-new action episodes you get each week, our editors go through and select highly popular classic episodes to entirely re-edit them from the original footage, add in extra footage that was left out of the original cut (usually super hot action footage that was only excluded in the first cut because of the file size and internet speed restrictions of the time), and we'll even dig deep into our cavernous photo vault to find accompanying photos that have never been seen, or had previously only been made available as smaller files. When we first shot this video, Lucas and Elijah were two of the all-time biggest names at CF. To this day, they each count among the most popular models we've ever had, so remastering this hugely popular classic will make many a long-time CF fan happy, and win over many a new fan! This is a director's-Corbin's cut edit, that now features 2 minutes of additional action footage beyond the original release version as well as 2 minutes of bonus behind-the-scenes footage. We've also improved the audio and lighting, are now releasing it in full HD, have made the watermark more subtle, and reworked some of the dissolves and transitions! And with all these remasters, be sure to check out the new photo galleries where we've found never-before-seen photos to include in the premium galleries! It's kind of surprising that it's taken this long for us to pair up Lucas and Elijah, two of our resident shaggy-haired studs. They're not having gotten into any action with one another yet was simply a matter of circumstance -- one wouldn't be available when the other was, and vice versa. Finally, though, circumstances played out to where Lucas and Elijah were both able to come out to shoot at the same time and we were able to get them paired up together! Featuring Lucas, Elijah.
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