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About Bryce Corbin Fisher

About Bryce Corbin Fisher

What you're about to see here with Bryce and Calan is a genuine treat -- two guys who are very much into one another and incredibly turned on by one another having some outrageously hot sex. We'd all been eager -- dare I say desperate? -- to see Bryce in action when he first arrived, and he's certainly not disappointing here. His body looks awesome, his demeanor is playful and sensual, and there's no doubt he's having himself loads of fun in this one. There's also no doubt he and Calan are having themselves a blast. With Bryce being a sexy, studly new addition to CF and Calan looking his sexiest and studliest since first appearing on CF, these two are ready to take things to a whole new level while we enjoy the show. Bryce obviously can't get enough of Calan's hole, just as Calan can't get enough of Bryce's cock. These two go well together, are super into one another, and are hot as heck to see in action with each other! Full title: There's Something About Bryce. Featuring Calan (aka James Cassidy), Bryce (aka Bryce Jax).
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