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Rocky Rogers Hudson Corbin Fisher

Rocky Rogers Hudson Corbin Fisher

I'd say I've quickly become Hudson's biggest fan if I didn't think I'd be competing with so many of you for that title right now! With that boyish charm and big, fat dick Hudson won as all over quickly, and has only been winning us over more and more since he's gotten the chance to show us what a total horn dog he is, how much he loves sex, how good he is at it, and how great he looks while having it! Now we all get to enjoy Hudson loving, being good at, and looking great while getting fucked by Rocky -- and who wouldn't love that?! Rocky becomes more and more of a stud each day, and unleashing his studly skills on Hudson's tight hole showcases Rocky at his best. These two young studs look flawless here, and in an after hours episode they get to look flawless while sensually and sexually staring you down, turning you on, and inviting you along for the ride! Full title: Rocky Rogers Hudson After Hours. Featuring Rocky, Hudson.
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