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Paul Club Amateur USA

Paul Club Amateur USA

Paul was referred to as the unicorn. That pic was captured about five minutes after he'd already cum, and although you won't see it, even after he showered, he was still 75% erect. We can't even use "oh to be 18 again" as the excuse for Paul. A genuinely nice guy with a great smile and beautiful eyes, we found Paul on our fave swingers' site. He's mostly interested in pursuing his bi-curiosity in the context of MMF. We're definitely okay with that and look forward to working with Paul to expand his horizons. Over the past 12 years, I've since learned that when a man maintains an erection 5 - 10 minutes after orgasm, you just keep going till he cums a second, third, fourth time and can't cum anymore. Were Paul and I filming, today, he would've been worn out by time we were done. Original release date: January 9th, 2015.
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  Title: Paul Club Amateur USA

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