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Karel Evans Badpuppy

Karel Evans Badpuppy

Karel Evans has never done anything in front of the video camera; but, today is different. Karel stopped by and we were able to convince him to strip down and show us his hot, tattooed body. As he flexes for the camera we can all appreciate the work that has gone into sculpting muscles like that; but, I'm sure we'd all agree that we would much rather be there stroking Karel's body in person. Karel drops his underwear to the floor, revealing an already engorged cock which he keeps stroking making it harder and harder. Lying back on the table, Karel pulls his legs back showing us his sweet ass that's just longing to be penetrated; but, that's for another day. Moving over to the sofa Karel, gives us a little bit more of an ass show; before, turning around and stroking his cock again. Picking up a wine glass Karel jerks his cock until he squeezes out a nice load of jizz into the glass. And no, unfortunately Karel does not drink what's in the glass; but, feeling a little exhausted heads off to the shower to get cleaned up. Original release date: March 18th, 2016.
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  Title: Karel Evans Badpuppy

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